Oil on mdf wood, 20x 20cms |
These are lemons from my garden earlier this year. They're not perfect, they're uneven shapes but they smell and taste wonderful. Sicily is famous for its lemon cultivation, although in recent years it seems to be in decline. The price of lemons on the market is so low that it is not worth while growing them.
When we first bought our house the fields around us were golden yellow in the spring with fruit.Wild fires and construction have sadly changed that forever.
This is my original sketch in watercolour, I decided to lose the reflection from the glass dish as it looked odd and untidy.

Uneven shapes on lemons?!! Heavens. They look delicious to me.
Another nice piece.
A really gorgeous painting, Cathy! I love how the turquoise background and the blue bowl mingle. And the lemons look really delicious!
Cathy, this is gorgeous. I love the light you captured in the whites, yellows and greens. They glow against the dark blue, especially the bright edge on the bottom of the bottom lemon. Eye catching!
I love how the final version is portrayed, with the deeper blue in the dish, and then the splashy, watery, reflective blues around the outside... it gives the piece so much live and movement that way, and lets the lemons stand out. Beautifully done, Cathy!
Thank you for the positive comments, they are appreciated!
Beautiful, Cathy!
Nothing's as refreshing as a slice of lemon in a cool glass of water- So summery, love the blue and yellow combo.
I LOVE this! The whole thing looks like it's emerging from water--beautiful choices you made. And your lemons are transcendent, ideal, lemonness!
Absolutely lovely, both of them!
This is an absolutely beautiful painting! Folks are right about the splashy, watery feel surrounding the stunning lemons . If you think about it, it kinda looks like the bowl is floating in a swimming pool. But I only reached that thought because of the need to comment. There is a fresh satisfying feel that hit me immediately. I love it. You have really mastered those oils!
A gorgeous painting, blue and yellow are always a winner, and those lemons seem so real !
I'd like to say that these lemons looks gorgeous! You perfectly used colors and it looks great! This summer I made some watercolor sketches using lemons and different glass subjects colored in different colors. The best ones where red glasses and blue plate.My friend from http://www.stilusessaywriting.com/ says that you can draw anything, the point is to use right colors!
Thank you for the comments, all are appreciated!
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