Thursday 18 October 2012

Un Grappolo d'Uva

Pastel & watercolour (30x23cms)

A bunch of grapes from my garden.....there were only four bunches altogether.  This painting started out as a watercolour but I was having difficulty getting the right translucent colour for the grapes so I got my pastels out and went over the top.
I don't use pastels very often but I enjoyed working over the watercolour so I'm sure I'll be trying this again.


Judy said...

I have never used pastel but I love the combination watercolour/pastel! It's beautiful, Cathy!

Vicki Holdwick said...

Yum! Looks good enough to eat,


Unknown said... works wonderfully!
I've always wondered how you can be precise with pastels - do you sharpen them?

Anonymous said...

The grapes look wonderful!

Laura said...

Oh this is just delightful. What a lovely mix of pastel and watercolour. Clever you...

Dan Kent said...

A pretty neat effect. It came out very nice indeed.

Rita said...

It came out really well...I'll have to try that trick!

martinepittet said...

Stunning result ! They look so nice and inviting !

Beth said...

Very successful

Unknown said...

They look juicy

Sandra said...


debra morris said...

Lovely Cathy, great effect

Alex said...

Looks great and so fresh and sweet! :) You did an amazing job with the tones and lighting, and made everything look so convincingly real!

nanke's stuff said...

I love the way the light seems to shine right through them. It's truly lovely. nancy