Thursday 4 October 2012

Need Some Colour!

I'm without telephone and internet connection for now as we had a wild fire down the dusty lane

and telegraph poles were burnt and telephone wires melted. Lucklily the fire only singed the

edge of my garden and we wern't at home at the time! Sadly the view from the front of the house

is only blackened burnt trees which I thought about sketching but the idea was too depressing.

Hence a lovely colourful feather!!

I don't know how long it will take to get everything fixed and I will post when I can get to a



Judy said...

That sounds very scary, I'm glad you and your house are ok. I love the colourful feather!

Vandy said...

So pleased you weren't harmed. Lovely little feather. Great colours! Hope the blackness goes soon.

Unknown said...


debra morris said...

Lovely feather Cathy, glad to hear you and your home are OK

Dan Kent said...

Wow. I am so glad you and yours are okay, though sorry about the view. Your hopeful attitude shines through that colorful feather though! It is bright and alive!

Studio at the Farm said...

Cathy, I'm glad you are all OK, but very sorry to hear about the fire.

Laura said...

Cathy hope you are all fine. Love the feather with it's gorgeous delicate blends.

Unknown said...

How terrible, but I am so pleased it didn't damage your property.

The feather is lovely.