Sunday 30 October 2011

Scary Monsters

The word for Illustration Friday this week is 'scary'.
I decided to paint one of the statues/gargoyle type creatures from a nearby 17th century villa known as the 'Villa of Monsters' for it's strange and creepy statues.
There are at least sixty of them left from a collection of about two hundred, sitting on the walls around the villa!  You can read more about them  here.



Anonymous said... made me jump!
Great sketching Cathy.
Not sure if I could draw anything scary enough but I could always put a self portrait up on my site. Mind you, I wouldn't want to traumatise anyone.

Peachtreeart said...

Wonderful colors you've used on the IF illo!

Lucia B. said...

Beautiful work! I love the colours you've used, they successfully give a third dimension to the monster, and make him even more scary! You have many interesting things to draw there in Sicily...
Happy Halloween to you, Cathy!

Alex said...

Wow... it reminds me of that alien in the movie "The Thing" :D I really appreciate the colors and details you used. Love the skull too =) That's just fun looking, not scary at all..hahaha. Happy Halloween.
P.S. Meela is doing a lot better now, she wants to play all the time, and acting more like a little kitten like when she first came to our house.

Caroline said...

ooh, that second pic startled me!! Super illustrations!

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Both scary in the most wonderful of ways. Love the colors, too!!

debra morris said...

Great work Cathy, Happy Halloween

Studio at the Farm said...

Love your scary monsters, Jane. Happy Halloween to you!

Linda T said...

Wow, that's a lot of creepy statues! You captured the scariness well. It was interesting reading the story behind the gargoyles there.

bettyfromtexas said...

Delightfully spoooooky sketches!! I hope you have had a terrific and Happy Halloween! Do you trick or treat???

Anonymous said...

Wonderful drawing ... and I love the skull too!

Dan Kent said...

Amazing watercolor - the colors are just great! Love the blues and purples and reds and greens on the statue. Then I scrolled down and ouch! Spooky! Wonderful :)

Anonymous said...

I love the colors. Very well done!

Gillian Mowbray said...

These sketches are such fun - I think you must have had a smile on your face when you were doing them- just like the skull. LOL x

Unknown said...

Fabulous pice of art Cathy, I love the colour use ~ it almost seems to bring it alive :)

Unknown said...

Love your skull and monster !!! Lovely drawings and colors and so funny !

Unknown said...

Absolutely love the color in that top one! Beautiful!