Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Choose Your Mask (Arthouse sketchbook project)

A beautiful mask from Venice for Carnevale.  I enjoyed drawing the dress on this one, it reminded me of when I was at school and I used to draw 'princesses' in class instead of studying.  My school reports  were always the same...'Cathy would do well if she would just stop dreaming'.  Story of my life!

I'd love to wear something like this, but I can't say the same about the next mask.....

A rather frightening idea that we might all have to wear surgical masks one day.  Suggested by blogger friend Debra Morris, she sees a lot of people wearing them in Hong Kong and it seemed to fit in well with my ' face in a crowd' theme.
There are masks and there are masks, I know which I'd rather have.
Both of these drawings are for my sketchbook project, just a few more pages to go!


jill said...

I love the Venice pic and the 2nd picture makes me feel very lucky we live somewhere less polluted than Japan. It seems we are all coming to the end of our projects, good luck with yours.

Alex said...

I love the theme! Debra sure made a good suggestion there =) and people in Japan do the same thing wearing masks when they're having a cold or a flu ^^
I like the lady in red too, very stylish!

debra morris said...

Great images Cathy, glad you included the surgical masks! How many more pages?
How about your cover? are you keeping it plain or going to add an image?

Gillian Mowbray said...

I love the idea of two kinds of masks - very thought-provoking. You're not alone in having day-dreamed your way through school - I think we creative types share that trait!

Beautiful work, as always Cathy. You'll miss this project when it ends! x

Mari Brown and Colourblob said...

Oh good, I dont feel so bad now... Good to know I was not the only one drawing while in class : )

I really like her dress and the mask and how you placed her sitting right next to the light pole, really nice, great work!

jenna said...

Drawing in class is how I learned to multitask.

The dress looks like it was a lot of fun, and the post is really interesting... from the festive to the unsettling. Great drawings.

Unknown said...

These are both great Cathy. The surgical masks make a fabulous page, but I'd prefer to wear the carnival mask.

I always got "could do better if concentrated and/or stopped talking", still the same :O

Unknown said... report cards from elementary school all say something to that effect! These are wonderful!

Jim Bumgarner said...

VEry well done, Cathy. I like masks too, especially those the people wear at the Carnevale in Venice! Nice capture.

Janene said...

Excellent sketches--you are developing the theme very well. And yeah, give me a carnival mask over surgical any time!

Lucia B. said...

The mask of Carnevale is wondeful! I like the pose behind a street lamp, as if the character was trying to hide, and the strong red colour.
I find that the juxtaposition of these two kind of masks, so different, is particularly effective!

Pat said...

Lovely sketches! xx

Unknown said...

Both are lovely pieces of art. I love the Venice piece particularly but then I am a dreamer too.
I have seen people wearing masks on the underground in London and have always felt glad that normally I don't have to consider pollution and it's effects.

Anonymous said...

Quite a contrast!! You must be thrilled that you are nearing the end. I have enjoyed seeing all the work you have done for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathy, You used to draw princesses too? Did you create wonderful, fanciful styles? I drew and drew and drew from grade school through college. I'd come home with ink all over my hands. Your drawings are wonderful! The mask for Carnevale is beautiful and exotic...the other exotic in a rather not so fun way. Interesting juxtaposition.

Anonymous said...

Great sketches. And topics, too! I used to doodle on all my papers. And the one with the surgical masks gave me a chill.

Anonymous said...

How nice! I love them! Thanks for sharing!
Surgical Masks